Tom Platz: The Most Underrated Bodybuilder of All Time?

Tom Platz


When it comes to bodybuilding, names like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman often come to mind. But there is one bodybuilder who is often overlooked despite his impressive physique and career achievements. That bodybuilder is Tom Platz, and in this blog post, we will take a closer look at his career and why he is the most underrated bodybuilder of all time.

Early Career

Tom Platz began his bodybuilding career in the 1970s and quickly made a name for himself in the sport. He was known for his incredible leg development, earning him the nickname "The Quadfather." Platz's dedication to leg training and his unique squatting style, which involved going incredibly deep, set him apart from other bodybuilders of his time.

Tom Platz

Competition Success

Platz's dedication to training paid off in competition. He won several titles, including the Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. World titles. In 1981, Platz placed third in the Mr. Olympia competition, beating out legends like Frank Zane and Chris Dickerson. Platz's incredible leg development and overall impressive physique were undeniable, yet he never won the coveted Mr. Olympia title.


Despite never winning the Mr. Olympia title, Tom Platz's legacy in bodybuilding is undeniable. His dedication to leg training and his unique squatting style inspired many bodybuilders to focus on leg development. His impressive physique and success in competition make him one of the most underrated bodybuilders of all time.

Tom Platz


Tom Platz may not be a household name like Schwarzenegger or Coleman, but his impact on bodybuilding cannot be ignored. His dedication to leg training and his unique squatting style set him apart from other bodybuilders of his time. His impressive physique and competition success make him the most underrated bodybuilder of all time. Platz's legacy in bodybuilding continues to inspire and motivate bodybuilders to this day.

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